[转载][ruby C扩展] Writing Ruby Extensions in C - Part 6, Catch/Throw
[转载][ruby C扩展] Writing Ruby Extensions in C - Part 8, Strings

[转载][ruby C扩展] Writing Ruby Extensions in C - Part 7, Numbers

jack posted @ 2013年12月02日 14:14 in ruby with tags ruby c extension , 1302 阅读

 Writing Ruby Extensions in C - Part 7, Numbers

This is the seventh in my series of posts about writing ruby extensions in C. The first post talked about the basic structure of a project, including how to set up building. The second post talked about generating documentation. The third post talked about initializing the module and setting up classes. The fourth post talked about types and return values. The fifth post focused on creating and handling exceptions. The sixth post talked about ruby catch and throw blocks. This post will talk about numbers.

Dealing with numbers

Numbers are pretty easy to deal with in a ruby C extension. There are two possible types of Ruby numbers; FIXNUMs and Bignums. FIXNUMs are very fast since they just use the native long type of the architecture. However, due to some implementation details, the range of a FIXNUM is limited to one-half of the native long type. If larger (or smaller) numbers need to be manipulated, Bignums are full-blown ruby objects that can represent any number of any size, at a performance cost. The ruby C extension API has support for converting native integer types to ruby FIXNUMs and Bignums and vice-versa. Some of the functions are:
  • INT2FIX(int) - take an int and convert it to a FIXNUM object (but see INT2NUM below)
  • LONG2FIX(long) - synonym for INT2FIX
  • CHR2FIX(char) - take an ASCII character (0x00-0xff) and convert it to a FIXNUM object
  • INT2NUM(int) - take an int and convert it to a FIXNUM object if it will fit; otherwise, convert to a Bignum object. Since this does the right thing in all circumstances, this should always be used in place of INT2FIX
  • LONG2NUM(long) - synonym for INT2NUM
  • UINT2NUM(unsigned int) - take an unsigned int and convert it to a FIXNUM object if it will fit; otherwise, convert to a Bignum object
  • ULONG2NUM(unsigned long int) - synonym for UINT2NUM
  • LL2NUM(long long) - take a long long int and convert it to a FIXNUM object if it will fit; otherwise, convert to a Bignum object
  • ULL2NUM(unsigned long long) - take an unsigned long long int and convert it to a FIXNUM object if it will fit; otherwise, convert to a Bignum object
  • OFFT2NUM(off_t) - take an off_t and convert it to a FIXNUM object if it will fit; otherwise, convert to a Bignum object
  • FIX2LONG(fixnum_object) - take a FIXNUM object and return the long representation (but see NUM2LONG below)
  • FIX2ULONG(fixnum_object) - take a FIXNUM object and return the unsigned long representation (but see NUM2ULONG below)
  • FIX2INT(fixnum_object) - take a FIXNUM object and return the int representation (but see NUM2INT below)
  • FIX2UINT(fixnum_object) - take a FIXNUM object and return the unsigned int representation (but see NUM2UINT below)
  • NUM2LONG(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the long representation. Since this does the right thing in all circumstances, this should be used in favor of FIX2LONG
  • NUM2ULONG(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the unsigned long representation. Since this does the right thing in all circumstances, this should be used in favor of FIX2ULONG
  • NUM2INT(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the int representation. Since this does the right thing in all circumstances, this should be used in favor of FIX2INT
  • NUM2UINT(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the unsigned int representation. Since this does the right thing in all circumstances, this should be used in favor of FIX2UINT
  • NUM2LL(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the long long representation
  • NUM2ULL(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the unsigned long long representation
  • NUM2OFFT(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the off_t representation
  • NUM2DBL(numeric_object) - take a FIXNUM or Bignum object in and return the double representation
  • NUM2CHR(ruby_object) - take ruby_object in and return the char representation of the object. If ruby_object is a string, then the char of the first character in the string is returned. Otherwise, NUM2INT is run on the object and the result is returned
For this particular topic I'll omit the example. There aren't really a lot of interesting things to show or odd corner cases that you need to deal with when working with numbers. 


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